Friday 1 November 2013

David Makali stands the best chance to win the Bungoma County senatorial seat-media reports

He stands an 80% chance of winning the seat if Wetangula is barred and Kombo is supported by Jubilee. He is highly regarded among young Bukusu elites and enjoys the support of CORD. He is Fresh, Young and could be a nice surprise..... (The new kid on the block that everyone would be curious about).
In addition,Makali's profile speaks out for itself, David Makali is the director of the Media Institute in Nairobi. He has been a journalist (reporter, editor, trainer, publisher, researcher, media critic and press freedom activist) for over 20 years.

A graduate of political science (Moi University, Kenya) Makali studied journalism at the University of Nairobi and the prestigious Columbia University School of Journalism, where he was the recipient of a Jack R Howard Fellowship for International Journalists. And in addition a political analyst.
In matters of integrity,Makali has NEVER been involved in any scandal and him not being in to real politics before, IEBC has lessto use to discredit him from the race,unlike his fellow contestants who have been involved in several election malpractices such as bribing voters,a recent example being Hon. Wetangula as pointed by judge Gikonyo during the ruling of the petition that was filled by Musikari Kombo.
However, should Wetangula be barred and Kombo also steps down for another candidate like Juma Mukhwana, then his chances would be reduced to about 60%. This is because he would enjoy CORD support but then Jubilee leaning Politicians like Governor Lusaka would have someone that they can sell successfully.

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